Monday, December 19, 2005

Yuletide: Looking for My Icelandic Roots

An Icelandic Christmas: Sharing the Traditions Рождество по-исландски: В Поиске Моих Исландских Корней

I found that Icelandic people I met yesterday at the Icelandic Christmas celebration at Spadina Historic House Museum are pretty, simple and warm as their Icelandic wool sweaters.

They not only served traditional food offerings but also set up a demonstration for the leaf-bread preparation. I’ve heard a comment that the leaf-bread dough should be rolled as thinly as possible – so you can read a newspaper through it.

It gave me an idea that it is worth to go to Iceland and enjoy its food as well as scenic beauty and hot springs.

Upstairs I explored a piece of Badstofa, typical Icelandic farmhouse with artifacts and a setup of a family getting ready for a long trip to Canada. I was impressed by children toys: shells, animal’s horns and bones that designated to be “objects” like cows, sheep or dogs.

It also gave me an idea that the Icelandic people are widely creative naturally. They called this principle of luxury from poverty with deep roots in the country’s geography and history.


Letter From Estonia: E-stonia
A Land of Northern Lights, Cybercafes and the Flat Tax
"What are the best societies to live in?'" asked Mr. Savisaar's top adviser, Heido Vitsur. "The best societies in the world to live in are the Nordic societies. We have to move in that direction."
Published: December 21, 2005
by Mark Landler
The New York Times


Google Blog Search for 'исландия'
Google Blog Search for 'iceland'


Icelandic Christmas: В Поиске Моих Исландских Корней

В Поиске Моих Исландских Корней

Looking for My Icelandic Roots

Я нашел, что исландцы, которых я встретил вчера на праздновании Рождества по-исландски в Историческом Музее на Спадайне, симпатичны, просты и теплы как их исландские шерстяные свитеры.

Они не только предложили попробовать традиционное праздничное угощение, но также и устроили демонстрацию приготовления исландского подобия хвороста. Я услышал комментарий, что тесто нужно раскатать настолько тонко насколько это возможно чтобы через него можно было прочитать газету.

Я решил что это стоит того, чтобы поехать в Исландию поесть исландской еды и насладиться красотой ее природы и горячими источниками.

Нам продемонстрировали и часть типичного исландского сельского дома (Бадстофа) со сценками подготовки семьи к долгой поездке в Канаду. Я был поражен игрушками для детей: ракушками, рогами и костями животных, которые персонифицируются в реальные объекты такие как коровы, овцы или собаки.

Это также дало мне идею, что исландцы естественно склонны к творчеству. Они назвали это “принципом роскоши от бедности” или “голь на выдумки хитра” с глубокими корнями в географии страны и ее истории.


Google Blog Search for 'исландия'
Google Blog Search for 'iceland'


Saturday, December 17, 2005

Spadina House: Christmas in Icelandic Style

I am dreaming of an Icelandic Christmas & it's coming tomorrow!

To Toronto via Reykjavik, Christmas Icelandic style
Sharing our Traditions: Cultural Holidays in Toronto

Where: Spadina Historic House and Gardens (Spadina Museum)
285 Spadina Rd.

When: Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:00pm

Price: Free, Children under 5; $4.75 Youth - $6.75 Adult; $5.75 Seniors/Teens;

Phone: 416-338-3888

Spadina Museum: Icelandic Christmas: December 18 – Noon to 5 p.m.



Address: 285 Spadina Road, next door to Casa Loma, a few blocks south of St. Clair Avenue
Hours: Tues to Fri.: Noon to 4 p.m., Sat. & Sun.: Noon to 5 p.m..
Holiday Season Admission: Adults: $6.75; Seniors & Youth: $5.75; Children: $4.75.
Paid parking next door at Casa Loma

Spadina Museum is dressed up for the holidays with traditional greenery, red bows and poinsettia everywhere.
Make sure you ask to see the moosehead!
Tours of this lovely mansion highlight the Christmas traditions of the Austin family in Toronto, circa 1900.
Enjoy cider and a Christmas treat from the kitchen, included with holiday season admission.

Family Sundays!
Sharing our Traditions: Cultural Celebrations in Toronto
Featuring: The Consulate of Iceland and the Icelandic Canadian Club of Toronto
Sundays: December 4, 11 & 18 – Noon to 5 p.m.
Spadina Museum is proud to present our holiday season guests, the Consulate of Iceland and the Icelandic Canadian Club of Toronto. Enjoy a variety of activities that compare and contrast the Edwardian Christmas traditions of 1900 Toronto with those of Iceland 100 years ago. Each Sunday both cultures are featured in ongoing kitchen demonstrations offering a variety of foods and at the craft table where visitors can make traditional Christmas tree ornaments. At 2 p.m. each Sunday, guests will be led in the Icelandic tradition of "dancing around the Christmas tree." Refreshments will be available in the Sunroom each week. Enjoy hot cider, hot chocolate and a selection of Christmas cookies from both traditions. Lots of fun for all ages.
Adults: $8; Seniors $7; Children: $6.

In addition to the abovementioned on-going activities, each week will feature the following entertainment:

December 4
Enjoy Icelandic Christmas Songs with Maja Ardal and Sigga Fridriksdottir Be enchanted by a Joliasveinar Story with Hildy Stollery. Edwardian Christmas music will be provided by the Taffanel Ensemble

December 11
Icelandic Christmas Songs will be performed by Ann Helga Denny
This week's Jolasveinar Story will be told by Brenda Bjarnason. Edwardian Christmas music with the Taffanel Ensemble will return.

December 18
This week a Joliasveinar Play will be performed by Brenda Bjarnason and the Bifröst Little Folk Theatre Group. Ingunn Benediktsson will entertain us with Icelandic instrumental music. Don't miss Edwardian Christmas tales with storyteller David Healey.

2 for 1 Regular Admission Coupon:">

Christmas Icelandic Style
Воскресенье, 4, 11 и 18 декабря

Вас приглашают посмотреть, какое оно, Рождество по-исландски.
Будет все – нарядная елка и гирлянды, праздничные блюда, рождественские истории и, конечно же, музыка.
Каждое воскресенье перед Рождеством будет тематическим:
первое – музыкальным,
второе познакомит публику с исландскими историями и песнями,
а третье порадует любителей театра праздничным спектаклем в народных исландских традициях.
Адрес: Spadina Historic House and Gardens (Spadina Museum), 285 Spadina Rd.
Время: 4, 11 и 18 декабря с 12 pm.
Вход: дети до 5 лет – бесплатно, взрослые - $6,75, подростки и пенсионеры - $5,75.

Credit: Русский Экспресс

City of Toronto: Culture - Holiday Calendar Of Events

Icelandic Christmas at Spadina house

Icelandic Canadian Club of Toronto Website Homepage


...В переводе с древненорвежского «Исландия» означает «ледяная страна». Так прозвали остров первые поселенцы, перебравшиеся сюда со Скандинавского полуострова в середине IX века.
Но вопреки своему названию и географическому положению Исландия находится у самого Северного полярного круга — это отнюдь не арктическая страна... :: Все, что Вы хотели знать об Исландии

Зачем ехать
Как я съел акулу | Мясо в Исландии
101 блондинка | 1486 км по Исландии МИР / Европа / Исландия


In a Cold Country, the Nights Are Hot

Published: December 19, 2004
The New York Times

Vacation 101: Luxury Trips for the Studious
Published: August 28, 2005
The New York Times

In Iceland, the River Is Glacial, but the Pace Is Far From It

Published: August 21, 2005
The New York Times

The G8's No Match for This Girl: TV Review:'The Girl in the Cafe'
Published: June 25, 2005
The New York Times

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas Around the World Festival – Festival Around Rotunda

Christmas Around the World Festival – Festival Around Rotunda

Праздничные Народные Традиции в Торонто Сити Холле

On 3-4 December at the City Hall Rotunda took place the 41st Annual Christmas Around the World Festival.

The numerous Christian communities of Toronto had shown and sold the national hand-made articles, souvenirs and foods. Every community exposition included a fur-tree decorated in traditions of that country, where emigrants came from. Participants-volunteers have been dressed in national costumes. Music was playing and a children’s choir was chanting.

Visitors around the Russian exhibit were not only considered Russian souvenirs: matrioshkas - nested dolls, Palehsk’s caskets, wooden toys, but also listened with great attention to the stories more similar to academic lectures about Russian architecture, history and traditions of national crafts. Souvenirs got special value after the narratives, and people willingly bought them.

The Russian exposition has been organized by volunteers from the Russian-Canadian Cultural Aid Society which has recently celebrated the 55-years Anniversary.

Photo: Liudmila Cherniak
© Liudmila Cherniak


Toronto - The official City of Toronto Web site
Toronto Culture
TO Live with Culture


Christmas Around the World: Праздничные Народные Традиции

Праздничные Народные Традиции в Торонто Сити Холле

Christmas Around the World Festival – Festival Around Rotunda

3-4 декабря в Ротонде Сити Холла проходил ежегодный фестиваль «Christmas Around the World».

Многочисленные христианские общины Торонто показывали (и продавали) свои национальные поделки, сувениры и кушанья. У каждого стола стояла елка, украшенная в традициях той страны, откуда приехали эмигранты. Участники-добровольцы были одеты в национальные костюмы. Играла музыка. Пел детский хор.

У русского стола толпились посетители, которые не только рассматривали русские сувениры – матрешек, палехские шкатулки, деревянные игрушки – но и с интересом слушали рассказы, больше похожие на лекции, о русской архитектуре, истории и традициях народных промыслов. Сувениры приобретали особое значение и их охотно покупали.

Русская экспозиция была организована добровольцами из Русско-Канадского Культурно-Просветительного Общества, недавно отпраздновавшего свой 55-летний юбилей.

Christmas Around the World Festival – Festival Around Rotunda
Photo: Liudmila Cherniak
© Liudmila Cherniak


Toronto - The official City of Toronto Web site
Toronto Culture
TO Live with Culture


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Talanted Photo Artist

Oksana Shlakhter's Photos

DigitalOks' photosMore of DigitalOks' photos

Friday, December 02, 2005

Dear Volunteer - You Are Fired!

Dedicated to The International Volunteer Day

This is an unbelievable act of one of leading Ontario Art Gallery that had sent a letter to their 4-long year’s volunteer after she suggested a few enhancements for more fair artists’ treatment and some process improvements.
For an immigrant from a country behind the former Iron Curtain it was a psychological shock. So much for democracy…

Dear Volunteer,

Re: Membership Termination

I am writing this letter to inform you that your membership with the XYZ Volunteer Committee has been terminated effective immediately.
The Executive Committee made this decision as a result of your conduct at the Event and your recent criticism of the Volunteer Committees’ decisions and processes. This behaviour cased a lot of anxiety and disruption amongst other Volunteers. Therefore, termination is in accordance with By-Law Number N Section NN & NNN of the Volunteer Committee.
Enclosed you will find a cheque for $NN.NN which is full reimbursement of your membership fee.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me directly.


Chair, Chair
XYZ Volunteer Committee

Volunteer Canada's site for About December 5th: Plan your World Volunteer Web:

5 December - International Volunteer DayCelebrate IVD – Become a SIP Volunteer

The International Volunteer Day (IVD) campaign website!

information on volunteering

IVD and Volunteer Canada
"International Volunteer Day takes place on December 5th each year and is officially recognized by the United Nations as a day on which volunteers around the world are recognized and celebrated for their contributions and dedication.
Volunteer Canada’s goal for the 2005 International Volunteer Day campaign is to collect story leads about inspiring and exceptional volunteers from every part of Canada. Our intention is for this website to become a “hub” for media looking for exciting and unique human interest stories relevant to their geographical area..."

own IVD event
Here are ideas, examples and tools for planning your own event or activity for the International Volunteer Day. The resources – available in English, French and Spanish – cover a wide range of issues...

Get Involved

Planning Your International Volunteer Day Campaign

Story Template


IVD2005 Blog


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Christmas Is Coming - Gifts Are Getting Artistic


You still have the possibility to see this wonderful exhibition. This weekend only!

Today I was at the Annual Christmas Exhibition. I love such shows very much and try to visit everyone. I already got some friends among participants: many artists have participated in these exhibitions for years, exposing not only new but sometimes the same products which have not been sold on the last show. At such great exhibitions there are always a lot of new artists, articles, ideas. And as always, this exhibition embraces a variety of exhibits. There are artists of different fields, and boutiques with original clothes from fabrics, jersey, leather and fur have been presented; and photos, and cards, and self-made soaps and perfumes...>>>

As usual, my attention was mainly put on my everlasting love – glass and ceramics, certainly, as well. I found a couple of new studios with new ideas and unusual works. For example, here are some photos (more pictures may be seen on the sites of studios. As a rule, the most artists do not permit to photograph their articles).

Miller’s Glass Reflections: Fused Glass Art

Irish Images studio >>> + >>>

And the most interesting at the Exhibition was the demonstration of manufacturing of art glass products. I never thought that it can be shown so cheerfully and artistically, furthermore under the music. >>>

I have met the artist familiar to me from the last exhibitions who does original things and originally represents them. I actually had fallen in love with these dolls: >>> + >>>

A charitable organization has been presented at the Exhibition too. Its activity has devoted to help and treatment of children with moving problems by means of riding. It seems to me it is called hypnotherapies. The representative of this organization has been selling calendars with artistic photos of horses . >>>

There are still a lot of interesting things and delicious food.

Come with children, you will never regret!

You still have the possibility to see this wonderful exhibition.
This weekend only!
Christmas is coming.
Gifts are getting artistic.

Сегодня была на ежегодной Рождественской выставке.

Photo: Liudmila Cherniak
© Liudmila Cherniak

Monday, November 28, 2005

You Are Invited: Christmas Around the World Festival

Community Folk Art Council of Toronto:: Christmas Around the World Festival

The Community Folk Art Council of Toronto (CFAC)
and its member groups will be bringing together more than 25 different ethnic community Christmas displays at the 41th Annual Christmas Around the World Festival at City Hall Rotunda

Communities Participating: Czech Republic, Hungary, Serbia, Madeira, Poland, Pioneer Canada, Russia, Philippines, Mexico, Ukraine, Macedonia, Grenada, Scotland, Switzerland, Portugal, Lebanon, Colombia and Chile

Christmas Around the World

When: December 3 and 4, 2005
Time: from noon – 5 p.m.
Where: Toronto City Hall Rotunda
Location: 100 Queen Street West
Google Map: Directions

Admission is free.

tel. 416-368-8743

The Community Folk Art Council of Toronto:: To promote the preservation, development and advancement of the cultural and artistic heritage of the people of Toronto since 1963

This is one of Toronto's hidden treasures displaying Christmas festivities from different ethnic communities: choirs, Christmas trees, arts, food, and crafts.

Very Merry Toronto Christmas and New Year!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Christmas Is Coming - Ежегодная Рождественская Выставка


You still have the possibility to see this wonderful exhibition. This weekend only!

Сегодня была на ежегодной Рождественской выставке. Я вообще очень люблю подобные зрелища и стараюсь не пропускать не одного. Интересно, что у меня уже появились знакомые: многие художники годами участвуют в этих выставках, часто выставляя те же произведения, не проданные на прошлом вернисаже. Но на таких больших выставках всегда появляется что-то новое. Как всегда, выставка отличалась разнообразием экспонатов. Были представлены и художники разных направлений, и бутики с оригинальной одеждой из тканей, трикотажа, кожи и меха, и не знаю, из чего еще, и фотографии, и открытки, и самодельное мыло и парфюмерия...>>>

Но меня больше всего привлекает моя непреходящая любовь – стекло. Ну и керамика, конечно, тоже. Было несколько новых – для меня – студий с необычными работами. Например, вот эти (еще картинки можно посмотреть на их сайтах, привожу те, у кого выпросила карточки, как правило, художники фотографировать не разрешают):
Студия Миллeра ( azuka) >>>

Студия Irish Images >>> + >>>

И самое интересное – демонстрация изготовления художественных изделий из стекла. Никогда не думала, что это можно показать так весело и артистично, да еще и под музыку.( >>>

Встретила свою знакомую с прошлых выставок художницу, которая делает оригинальные украшения и оригинально их представляет. В ее кукол можно влюбиться: >>> + >>>

Отдельно было представлено благотворительное общество, посвятившее свою деятельность помощи и лечению детей с помощью верховой езды (
Кажется, это называется хипотерапией. Представительницa общества продавала календари с фотографиями лошадей. >>>

Там было еще много интересного и вкусного. Сходите с детьми, не пожалеете!

You still have the possibility to see this wonderful exhibition.
This weekend only!
Christmas is coming.
Gifts are getting artistic.

Photo: Liudmila Cherniak
© Liudmila Cherniak

Friday, November 18, 2005

Great Exhibition Veliky Novgorod in America

Image: Saints Barlaam of Khutyn, John the Merciful,
Paraskeve and Anastasia with the Virgin of the Sign,
second half of the 15th century, tempera on wood,
State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg (DRZH-2061)

Credits: The Walters Art Museum

Exhibition: : Sacred Arts and City Life: The Glory of Medieval Novgorod

Выставка: : Средневековая культура Великого Новгорода

The exhibition features approximately 290 objects, including 35 icons, that trace the material and artistic culture of Novgorod from the ninth century, through its golden age in the 14th century, to its eclipse by Moscow in the 16th century.

When: November 19, 2005 - February 12, 2006
Where: The Walters Art Museum
Google Map: 600 North Charles Street, Baltimore, USA

Wednesday through Sunday,
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Special Exhibition Galleries
Cost: Included with admission
Click for more info >>

The Walters: Events Calendar

Russian City's Sacred and Secular Visions
The New-York Times
By Holland Cotter
Published: November 18, 2005

Examine the art and culture of Veliky Novgorod, Russia's oldest medieval city, at this exhibition of carved wood and bone objects, leather goods, jewelry, musical instruments, birch bark documents and precious ecclesiastical objects.


Г-н Великий Новгород приглашен в Балтимор
Лента новостей "Петербургского Часа Пик"
Директора Новгородского объединенного музея-заповедника Николай Гринев и Музея мировой культуры "Уолтерс галери" (Балтимор, штат Мэриленд) Гарри Викан подписали соглашение о проведении в 2004 году в США выставки экспонатов новгородского музея. Запланировано, что в течение года выставка побывает в пяти городах Америки. Стоимость проекта, который будет финансировать правительство США, оценивается примерно в 100 миллионов долларов. Это первое приглашение, поступившее от американцев российскому музею, расположенному не в Москве.

Культура Портал: Выставка "Средневековая культура Великого Новгорода"

Наши в Америке: Великий Новгород
Новгородский государственный объединенный музей-заповедник подписал соглашение с делегацией из Балтимора (США) о проведении там выставки "Средневековая культура Великого Новгорода". Уже известно, что в музее изобразительных искусств Уолтерса будет представлено более 300 экспонатов из новгородской коллекции, в том числе и несколько берестяных писем.

В галерее Уотфорда (США) открывается выставка «Золотой век новгородской иконы»
20 ноября в галерее Уотфорда откроется выставка «Золотой век новгородской иконы».

В Балтиморе покажут «Золотой век новгородской иконы»
ВЕЛИКИЙ НОВГОРОД, 15 ноября (Корр. АНН Геннадий Александров) Монтаж выставки «Золотой век новгородской иконы», которая откроется в субботу, закончен в «Уолтер-арт-музее» американского города Балтимор.
Агентство национальных новостей
15.11.2005 16:33

Monday, November 14, 2005

Can a Passion for Ballet Help Us to Be Strong?

Two Worlds
- Two Destinies or Two Worlds - one Destiny?

Два мира - две судьбы?

MIRROR DANCE explores the life chronicle of Cuban-born identical twins Ramona and Margarita de Saá, who were separated by time, place and politics and continue to share a passion for ballet.

MIRROR DANCE is a universal story in progress.


November 20, 2005 at 11:00 PM
Independent Lens: Mirror Dance
by Frances McElroy and Maria T. Rodriguez
Identical twins Margarita and Ramona de Saa became acclaimed ballerinas with the National Ballet of Cuba. Once inseparable, their relationship disintegrated as one sister left for America while the other embraced the Cuban revolution. This program is the story of two women forever linked by birth and dance, but struggling to overcome rifts not only between sisters but also between nations.
Duration: 00:56:46 TVPG CC STEREO


The National Ballet of Cuba (Ballet Nacional de Cuba)

Alicia Alonso and the National Ballet of Cuba (Ballet Nacional de Cuba)

Игорь Юшкевич – первый солист Национального балета Кубы
Наш соотечественник стоял у истоков развития балетного искусства на острове
По материалам: М.А. Российский "Русское зарубежье на Кубе", Москва, 1998


Monday, October 31, 2005

Absolut Hockey: Canada vs. Russia

Hockey Hall of Fame Legends Classic 2005 Game: Canada vs. Russia

When: Sunday, November 6, 2005
Time: 2:00PM
Doors open at 1:00 AM

Where: Air Canada Centre
40 Bay St., Toronto, ON M5J 2X2

Air Canada Centre is located at the northwest corner of Lakeshore Blvd. (westbound) and Bay St. in downtown Toronto.

Celebrate the rivalry in the 2005 Hockey Hall of Fame Legends Classic game between "
Canada" and "Russia" that will take place at the Air Canada Centre
Sunday, November 6, 2005
2:00 PM.

Starring 2005 Inductee Cam Neely, Alexander Kharlamov, son of the late Valeri Kharlamov and a cast of other hockey legends including Dale Hawerchuk, Paul Henderson, Valeri Kamensky, Lanny McDonald, Larry Murphy, Steve Shutt, Billy Smith, Bryan Trottier, Alexander Yakushev plus others …

This game is the Toronto stop on the five-city cross country Legends Classic Tour 2005 taking place November 2 - 10.

Be a part of the public presentation of the "Official Hockey Hall of Fame Induction Blazer", presented by Hugo Boss, to each 2005 Inductee in a pre-game ceremony.

In-arena auctions featuring autographed game-worn and signed Legends Classic jerseys.

This game is one of five games in the cross country Legends Classic Tour taking place November 2 - 10:

November 2 Winnipeg, MB — MTS Centre
November 4 Edmonton, AB — Rexall Place
November 6 Toronto, ON — Air Canada Centre
November 9 Calgary, AB — Pengrowth Saddledome
November 10 Vancouver, BC — PNE Coliseum

The Hockey Hall of Fame Legends Classic Tour is a part of an exciting weekend of events culminating in the live broadcast of the "Induction Ceremony" on TSN starting at 7:30 PM on Monday, November 7th, 2005.

Attractions Website

Come out for a Pre-Game Family Skate and meet some of our hockey legends!*
Your game tickets allow you to enjoy a one-hour skate and a chance to visit and get autographs from some of the players. Don't forget your skates and helmets!** (No sticks allowed.)

City Pre-Game Skate Time 11 am - 12 pm

After the pre-game skate you may stay and watch the players' warm-up or come back at game time.

*Legends appearances vary due to players' schedules and commitments
** Helmets are mandatory for children 12 years of age and under

Xentel DM Incorporated

Order online or call Ticketmaster at 416-872-5000
For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit or call toll free at 1-800-268-7371

Ticket Pricing
Prices range from $35.75, $45.75, $55.75 and $66.75

Official Web site of the National Hockey League


More blogs about Art Junction.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

New Russian Opera Presents Russian Motifs

New Russian Opera Presents Russian Motifs in Toronto

259, VOL. 25 NO. 9
Just Announced Concerts

Cathy Robinson and Celine Papizewska, sopranos, perform works by Mussorgsky and Prokofiev

When: Saturday, November, 19th 2005
Time: 7:30 pm
Where: The Church of St. Martin in the Field
Address: 151 Glenlake Ave. (Keele & Bloor, Subway Keele Street)
Google Map: 151 Glenlake Ave., Toronto

Tickets: $20-$25
For information, contact director Mila Filatova
phone: (416) 604-1557

Новая Русская Опера представляет Русские Мотивы

Когда: Суббота, 19 ноября 2005
Время: 7:30 вечера
Где: The Church of St. Martin in the Field
Адрес: 151 Glenlake Ave. (Keele & Bloor, Subway Keele Street)

Билеты: $20-$25
Информация: Мила Филатова
тел: (416) 604-1557

Russian Motifs in Toronto


Mila Filatova’s name is very well known within the Toronto musical community, especially among the vocal music fans. She is a diverse musician who serves as an accompanist, chorus master, coach, and conductor. She received a Master Degree in Music from the State University of Riga in the former USSR. Since then she has been a guest artist with the Latvian Symphony Orchestra as well as a performer at numerous festivals, many of which have been broadcast at national radio. Upon arrival in Canada she has established a vocal coaching studio wherein she has worked with such artists as the 2003 Grammy Nominee Gidon Saks, the Metropolitan Opera baritone John Relyea and the internationally renowned soprano Ghena Dimitrova.
A great Russian accompanist Evgeny Shenderovich once said: “A soloist is a sail, while an accompanist is a helm. If a boat does not have either of these components, it will be disoriented and unable to reach the desired shore.” Singers who are taught by M.Filatova, have the unique opportunity to absorb and understand the Russian vocal repertoire and its specific style.
Mila continues to explore new ways of delivering this repertoire to audiences. Five years ago she established in Toronto The New Opera & Concerts Centre. The main aims of the new establishment are: to present and popularize opera and vocal music, especially that not very familiar to Canadian audiences, and to develop young Canadian singers for the opera stage. To fulfill these ambitious goals, Mila has produced workshop performances of Bach’s Coffee Cantata, Rossini’s Barber of Seville, Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro and The Impresario, Haydn’s Der Apotheker , and Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin, Iolanta and Queen of Spades. While some of these works are well known to the Toronto audience, Tchaikovsky’s Iolanta and Queen of Spades are rarely seen on the Toronto operatic stage. Many young and promising Canadian singers participated in NOCC’s productions; for some of them it was the first step towards a professional operatic career.

The Centre is active not only in opera productions-in the three last years NOCC has presented a series of recitals entitled “Russian Motifs”, “Musical Encounters” and “Dedication to Verdi”. The next concert of the “Russian Motifs” series will feature the vocal music of Modest Mussorgsky and Sergei Prokofiev.

Mussorgsky’s The Songs and Dances of Death cycle (1875-1877) consists of four songs, where Death appears as an active character. In The Lullaby it is the death of a child, in The Serenade - the death of a maid, in Trepak - the death of a poor peasant, and in The Commander - the loss of soldiers in the battle field. The entire cycle is one of the most tragic in vocal repertoire; it requires from a performer not only advanced vocal skill, but also an extensive dramatic sense.
In contrast to this sordid work, The Nursery (1872) is full of serene emotions associated with the childhood.

These cycles are rarely rendered in North America, and their upcoming performance will fill this gap. Interesting to note that they will be complemented by pantomime and dramatic movement (Kiera Allison) illustrating their stories and moods. This unusual and exciting blend of singing and movement, Mussorgsky’s cycles will be presented to the Toronto audience for the first time.

The vocal works of Prokofiev to be presented include The Ugly Duckling’s suite (1914) after the Hans Andersen fairy tale. The renowned music critic of the time V.Karatygin wrote of the premiere: “The Ugly Duckling by Prokofiev is a sort of tone poem for voice and piano. It is composed with great temperament and is full of unusual harmonic details. In using humorous musical and illustrative means Prokofiev demonstrates some similarity with Mussorgsky”. Needless to say, The Ugly Duckling has never been performed in Toronto before.

The New Opera and Concerts Centre presents “Russian Motifs” upcoming concert with Canadian sopranos Cathy Robinson and Celine Papizewska and movement artist Kiera Allison. They will be accompanied by Artistic Director Mila Filatova. The concert will be held on Saturday, November 19, 7:30 p.m., at the Church of St. Martin in the Field (151 Glenlake Ave., North-East corner of Bloor and Keele, Keele subway station ). Tickets $25 and $20.

Info at 416-604-1557 or e-mail


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