Sunday, February 26, 2006

Maslyanitsa 2006: Mardi Gras a la Russe

Celebrating of Maslyanitsa in the Russian Canadian Cultural Aid Society

When: Friday, March 3, 2006
Time: 7:00 pm
Where: The Russian Canadian Cultural Aid Society
Location: 91 Kersdale Ave, Toronto, Keele and Rogers Rd
Google Map: 91 Kersdale Ave., Toronto, Ontario M6M 1E4


In the program-performance of Russian Folklore Theatre with jokes, chastooshkas, round dances, competitions and prizes, and, certainly, with pancakes.

tel: (416) 736-4940( tickets)
ask Elena Klinaeva

Director of theatre Alla Gejnish
Credit: Афиша » 3 Март 2006

Празднование Масленицы в Русском Кyльтypно-Пpocвeтитeльном Oбщecтве

День: 3 Марта 2006 года
Время: 7:00 pm
Место: Pyccкoe Кyльтypно-Пpocвeтитeльноe Oбщecтво
Адрес: 91 Kersdale Ave, Toronto, Keele and Rogers Rd
Google Map: 91 Kersdale Ave., Toronto, Ontario M6M 1E4

В Программе:

[O] Масленичные гулянья
[O] Викторины
[O] Конкурсы
[O] Выступление фольклорного театра
[O] Угощение
[O] Настоящие Русские блины!
С икрой, сёмгой, селёдкой, вареньем и сметаной!
[O] Вино

Стоимость билета:
$20-члены общества
Работает Бар

Резервируйте места заранее, количество мест ограничено.

Заказ билетов по телефонам:
416-736-4940-Елена Клинаева
416- 651- 2239-Лидия Кузнецова
905- 278- 5750-Сильвия Карловна Сухачёва

Дополнительная информация:
The Russian Canadian Cultural Aid Society
Pyccкoe Кyльтypно-Пpocвeтитeльноe Oбщecтво
Тел: 416-653-1361

Come and join a celebration of winter's end: the old traditions of Maslyanitsa (Pancake week) in Russian Society!


Maslyanitsa 2006: Mardi Gras a la Russe
February 27 - March 5

27 февраля начинается Масленица.
У каждого дня - свое имя.
Все пекут блины, ведь блин - символ солнца, и поздравляют друг друга с Масленицей.

Каждый день масленицы имеет свое название.

Monday, February 27 понедельник встреча
Tuesday, February 28 вторник заигрыш
Wednesday, March 1 среда лакомка
Thursday, March 2 четверг разгул
Friday, March 3 пятница тещины вечери
Saturday, March 4 суббота золовкины посиделки
Sunday, March 5 воскресенье проводы
Прощеный день



Maslenitsa or Pancake week (Russian: Масленица, also called Pancake week) is a Russian folk holiday that dates back to the pagan times. It is celebrated during the last week before the Great Lent that is the seventh week before the Easter. Maslenitsa is a direct analog of ...
Credit: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A blintz, blintze or blin (Russian: блин, блины (pl.); Ukrainian: блинці, blyntsi; plural: blintzes, blini, bliny) is a thin pancake which is often served in connection with a religious rite or festival in several cultures.
Credit: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Масленица - праздник мирового масштаба
Maslenitsa Pride

Maslenitsa: Blini Week
Moscow City Committee for Tourism
Широкая Масленица
Комитет по Туризму города Москвы
Credit: Moscow City Committee for Tourism

Culture and Traditions
In Russian Pancake week is called "MASLYANITSA".

Русско-англо-французский религиозный глоссарий
cheese-fare week
(pre-Lent week for carnaval or celebration)
Semaine f grasse

ATH 175 Peoples of the World
Russian Maslyanitsa: Saying Goodbye to Winter
...the festival helps increase social solidarity in Russia...
Jesse Westfall
Contact Jim Aimers | Miami University

ATH 175 Peoples of the World
Maslyanitsa: the Pseudo-Mardi Gras of Russia
... Maslennitsa is a Russian celebration preceding lent, much like Mardi Gras in other regions of the world ... I argue that Maslennitsa has a very crucial meaning to the remaining towns .....
...with each generation, the details of the celebration get ever so slightly blurred, and this could signify a possible end to Maslennitsa...
Luke Ellerbrock
Contact Jim Aimers | Miami University

Top 10 Reasons For Studying Russian By Bucknell's Students
University of Wisconsin, Madison - Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Butter Week Festivities in Moscow - IMAGES - MOSNEWS.COM
... Butter Week, or Maslennitsa, is celebrated each year before Lent and is a holdover from pre-Christian Russian beliefs ...

Here at About, we're preparing to celebrate Mardi Gras around the world. Maslenitsa is the Russian version of this week-long party. Also called Pancake Week (due to its qualification as an unending gorge-session on blini) Maslenitsa is pre-Lenten in intent but Pagan in origins.
by Kerry Kubilius at About
Your Guide to Eastern Europe for Visitors.
Credit: About, Inc.

Maslyanitsa in Russia: February

by Olga
Page created: Thursday, 04-February-99 19:05:55 EST
Credit: M. Hos-McGrane, Grades 5 Class

Pancake Week
Learning to appreciate one’s cultural heritage
This article touches upon the issue of developing ethnic tolerance among children. It explains the traditional Russian holiday "Pancake Week" giving some interesting details about the holiday...

Svetlana Rodinskaia
Credit: "Vision", the E-Journal of the WSC-SD Saturday 13 March 2004.

Масленица. Блины, блинчики
Масленица 2006 ! Самый весёлый и красивый праздник на Руси. Праздники.
Credit: Кулинарный портал:


Russian House: Old New Year’s Eve Party

OPEN HOUSE: Russian Canadian Cultural Aid Society (RCCAS)
День Открытых Дверей: Русское Культурно-Просветительное Общество

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