Friday, April 04, 2008

Between Textile and Poetry: Notes & Impressions

Reference Point to Exhibition Between the Sea and the Desert in the Textile MuseumA reference point to the best description of the exhibition "Between the Sea and the Desert: The Many Cultures of North Africa"
2008 @

Last week we got a chance to go to the Textile Museum. It was an extremely knowledgeable visit which inspired Mila to write a poem. Now, this magical experience not to be missed.
Никогда не предполагала, что посещение выставки "Between the Sea and the Desert" в Музее Тканей окажется столь занимательным времяпровождением.
Однако, погуляв там три часа между оригинальными экспонатами, памятуя, что все это Северная Африка, и сотворено, как минимум, пару веков назад, а так не чуждо современности, приходит на ум, что создание красоты руками, не поспевающими за летящей фантазией человека, не подвластно времени...

Воистину, ВОСТОК - дело ТОНКОЕ !!!

Канада, Центр, Музей Текстиля,
Прохладно и уже темно,
А между Морем и Пустыней
Простой наряд, но в нем тепло!

Оригинален по покрою,
Как красочно расписан он!!!
Конечно, создан он рукою
Того, кто истинно влюблен!!!

И в даму! И в свою работу!!!
И в целый Мир, в котором жил!!!
Себя им подарить охота -
Он ради этого творил!!!
2008 © Людмила Коржак
I could never imagine that our visiting of an exhibition "Between the Sea and the Desert" in the Textile Museum of Canada would become such an engaging activity.
However, after having taken a three hour tour there in between the original displays and keeping in mind that this is North Africa, and those textiles were crafted at least a couple of centuries ago and they are not so odd to the present; it comes to my mind that all this beauty was created by artistic hands and will last forever.

Truly, "East is a subtle thing"!!!

Toronto, Centre, Textile Museum,
It's cool, and it is already dark.
But in "Between the Sea and the Desert" -
A comfortable dress which keep us warm!
translation/adaptation/interpretation by artjunction
Google: Language Tools

Textile Museum of Canada
Between the Sea and the Desert:
The Many Cultures of North Africa
November 21, 2007 - May 18, 2008
Curated by Natalia Nekrassova

Natalia Nekrassova
Natalia Nekrassova has a Master's Degree in the History of Art from the State Moscow University (Russia). She was a rug and decorative art curator in the State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow for more than 20 years and has travelled extensively to Central Asia and the Caucasus. She was also a lecturer on Islamic art at the Islamic University in Moscow. In 2002, Natalia was appointed to Curator of Oriental Carpets and Textiles at the Textile Museum of Canada and has been working extensively on developing the TMC’s rug collection.
Credit: Textile Museum of Canada

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