Saturday, October 01, 2005

World Press Photo: How the World Has Changed

World Press Photo: 50 Years of Reflecting How the World Has Changed

This photographic exhibition has a bias for human rights and reflects more or less the situation around the world.
It will be interesting to analyze retrospective this EX from the image semantic point of view. So that will give you the dynamics how the World has changed for better and for worse.
At least for last few years I would leave this EX completely devastated from amount of misery which was presented on the background of beautiful nature and technological breakthroughs.

50 Лет Отражения Как Изменился Мир

Эта выставка фотографий отражает права человека и, более или менее, ситуацию во всем мире.

Будет интересно проанализировать ретроспективу выставки с точка зрения семантики образов. Так, чтобы увидеть динамику как изменился мир и в лучшую и в худшую стороны.

По крайней мере в течение прошлых нескольких лет я уходил с этой выставки полностью опустошенным от количества страданий, которое было представлено на фоне красивой природы и крупных технологических достижений.

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World Press Photo - See the whole picture your starting point for photographic information on the web

FOREWARD to World Press Photo 05 Diego Goldberg, February 2005

"The photographs in the exhibition are a celebration of diversity; voices from all over the world, different styles from different cultures, events that defy comprehension and tender moments. In these pictures you will smell flowers and gunpowder. You will touch the skin of babies and feel hunger. You will hear the roar of nature and the silence of grief. And maybe, just maybe, you will be a bit closer to understanding who we are, which is the ultimate questions..."

WHAT: WORLD PRESS PHOTO 2005 (Fourth annual travelling exhibit highlights the best in photojournalism from aross the globe. This year, see 200 photographs that highlight some of the most significant world events of 2004, from the provocative to the emotional.)
WHEN: October 3-23
TIME: 7.00 AM - 10.00 PM
WHERE: Allen Lambert Galleria, BCE Place, 181 Bay Street, Toronto Google Map
ORGANIZATION: Pictures Festival
PHONE: +1 416 604 0036

VIEW of World Press Photo Exhibition



You Oughta Be in Pictures

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