October 14, 2007 update to the concert announcement:
Spiritual Sounds of Central Asia has been postponed.
Ticket holders will be notified as soon as a new date has been confirmed.
Tickets held for Oct. 12 will be honored on the new date.
For More Information:
World Music Institute
Share the Music Program
Spiritual Sounds of Central Asia has been postponed.
Ticket holders will be notified as soon as a new date has been confirmed.
Tickets held for Oct. 12 will be honored on the new date.
For More Information:
World Music Institute
Share the Music Program
Roy Thomson Hall presents
Spiritual Sounds of Central Asia: Nomads, Mystics and Troubadours
Friday, October 12, 2007
Time: 8:00 pm
Riveting, virtuosic, gifted — 18 musicians from six countries present a cultural tapestry of the rich musical and poetic traditions of Central Asia. It’s a sophisticated multi-media event: brief documentary films give the music context, live camera feeds provide close-ups of the artists, and super-titled lyrics present the texts of Rumi, Hafez and more.
Program features: Alim Qasimov Ensemble, Bardic Divas & Badakhshan Ensemble
This is a Share the Music event.
Roy Thomson Hall
Location & Directions: 60 Simcoe Street, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2H5
(at the corner of King and Simcoe Streets)
Google Map
Tickets: $59.50 - $39.50
Box Office: (416) 872-4255
Sponsored by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture-Music Initiative and World Music Institute.

Credit: World Music Institute
Audio and Video Clips of Spiritual Sounds of Central Asia on World Music Institute Website
Alim Qasimov Ensemble
YouTube: Alim Qasimov
Added: June 23, 2007
From: azerimusic
Category People & Blogs
Tags: alim qasimov mugam azerbaija
Songs, Music and Dance of Badakhshan
Aga Khan Music Initiative in Central Asia (AKMICA)
ANTHOLOGYSpiritual Sounds of Central Asia
The “Music of Central Asia” series is a co-production of the Aga Khan Music Initiative in Central Asia and the Smithsonian Institution Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. The aim of the series, released worldwide by Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, is to present leading exponents of Central Asia’s rich and diverse musical heritage to listeners outside the region. As a new generation of talented performers reinterprets this heritage — much of it ruptured or lost during the Soviet era — older traditions are reanimated and transformed. Music of Central Asia documents the work of musicians who represent both a mastery of their own tradition and a contemporary spirit of innovation expressed through new approaches to performance style, repertory, and technique. Each release includes a DVD with a documentary film on the featured performers as well as a map, musical instrument glossary, and short introduction to Music of Central Asia and the Aga Khan Music Initiative. These intimate, often poignant, musical portraits bring to life a group of remarkable artists whose creative achievements proclaim Central Asia’s prominence on any musical map of the world.
Alim & Fargana Qasimov, Badakhshan Ensemble, Bardic Divas
Saturday, October 27, 2007 8:30 pm
Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall
West 57th St and 7th Avenue
New York
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Major North American tour showcasing the richness and diversity of Central Asian cultures
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Toronto, ON, September 13, 2007 – Seventeen virtuoso performers from a culturally dynamic and rapidly changing region of Central Asia will share their contemporary and ancient musical traditions in a 12-city North American tour beginning in Toronto on Friday, October 12, 2007 at Roy Thomson Hall. The tour, entitled “Spiritual Sounds of Central Asia: Nomads, Mystics, and Troubadours,” offers a rare opportunity to experience some of the world’s most exotic music from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Qaraqalpakstan. The area was closed to the West for most of the twentieth century and is now experiencing a resurgence and revitalization of its musical traditions since the break-up of the Soviet Union. The multi-media presentation features a panorama of Central Asia’s vocal and instrumental music and includes documentary films about the musicians, super-titles with translations of song lyrics, and live, large-screen video close-ups.
Three ensembles are showcased:
∙ Alim and Fargana Qasimov: The legendary Azerbaijani mugham vocalist Alim Qasimov (of Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Project fame and hailed by the French newspaper Le Monde as having “one of the most beautiful voices of our era”) performs riveting duets with his daughter Fargana, accompanied by a four-man ensemble on tar (lute), kemancha (spike fiddle), balaban (double reed oboe) and naghara (percussion).
∙ Badakhshan Ensemble: This seven-member group, from the majestic Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan and Afghanistan (an area known in Persian as bam-i dunya - “the roof of the world”), perform trance-inducing mystical songs and traditional festive songs with instrumental accompaniment, featuring vocalist-dancer Soheba.
∙ Bardic Divas: Illustrating the power and beauty of the female voice, these four divas from Kazakhstan and Qaraqalpaksta present a variety of musical styles, some long forbidden for women to perform.
This tour is a result of a partnership between the Aga Khan Music Initiative in Central Asia (AKMICA) and the New York-based World Music Institute (WMI). The Touring Program aims to introduce the unique musical riches of Central Asian culture to global audiences and to promote respect for the musicians and the traditions they represent. The tour includes New York’s Carnegie Hall, Chicago’s Symphony Hall, and venues in Boston, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, Houston, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles.
This performance is part of Share the Music, the Corporation’s education and outreach program. More than 200 complimentary tickets will be provided to under-served young people to attend the performance and a pre-concert lecture-demonstration by renowned American music scholar and tour curator Theodore Levin.
The Share the Music program aims to enrich and inspire young people through exposure to world-class performers and related educational activities. It is sponsored by Sun Life Financial and supported by many individuals and organizations. For more information, please visit www.roythomson.com/shareMusic.cfm
MEDIA CONTACT: Liz Parker, Publicity Manager / Ph: 416 593 4822, Ext. 318 / email: liz.parker@rth-mh.com
THE CORPORATION OF MASSEY HALL AND ROY THOMSON HALL, 60 Simcoe Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5J 2H5
This Spiritual Sounds of Central Asia Concert in Toronto has been postponed.
For More Information:
World Music Institute
Share the Music Program
Aga Khan Music Initiative in Central Asia
Spiritual Sounds of Central Asia: Nomads, Mystics and Troubadours
For more information, please see 2007 North American tour press release and tour itinerary.
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